Tuesday, April 27, 2010

RSS Feeds, CPL 2.0

I've been using Bloglines for a while as an RSS feed.  Mostly it's for personal reasons, so that I can see the latest updates from my friends and family who blog.  Often their blogs include pictures of their kids and so I get to keep up with what's new. 

I can't imagine using it for work - simply because I think that keeping up on the results would be a job in itself. It's a good way of receiving information - but unless you are careful about how you set the parameters you can end up with massive lists of things to read, that just become another thing that I end up putting off on my to-do list while I deal with more pressing (and deadline oriented things). 

My advice, definitely use RSS feeds but sign up for them slowly, don't go nuts and sign up for tons at once - because it just becomes another thing you need to try and keep up to date on! 

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